Ditch The Nipple Shield
For those who somehow found themselves
stuck using a shield.
Faster feedings
More milk to baby
Less time washing parts
Easier time nursing in public.
Being able to just grab a few diapers & your baby and go!
Long term nipple shield can cause a dependence on them, plus lower milk supply and weight gain if baby is not drawing the milk out effectively. Having baby's
mouth/saliva directly on your breast/nipple promotes a beneficial microbiota for both you and baby, too!
Does this sound familiar?
They gave me a shield in the hospital and now baby won't latch without it
It hurts too much to nurse without it
We're having LONG feedings then still having to give a bottle afterward
I've already had a lactation consultant try to help me wean from it
I've already tried 100 positions - he won't take it without shield
They told me my nipples were flat and I'd always have to use it
My baby was born early so they said I'd probably always have to use it
He screams so much when I offer my bare nipple
You find yourself Googling "how to wean off nipple shield" at 2 a.m.
You've ruled out tongue/lip restrictions, maybe even had revisions done
I've just resolved myself to using it or exclusively pumping
What if you could...
Just lift your shirt, latch your baby, get comfy - and simply feed your baby?
Have pain-free feedings WITHOUT the shield?
Gain freedom from carrying around and cleaning your stupid shield?
Feel unstuck - and stop fantasizing about throwing in the towel completely?
Experience faster, more effective feedings with baby?
Feel confident nursing in public without fumbling with shield?
*When feeding straight from the tap (your bare nipple), babies usually get MORE milk in a SHORTER amount of time (because they don't have to work extra hard to get it through the barrier of the shield).
*Long term nipple shield use can cause a dependence on them, plus lower milk supply and weight gain if baby is not drawing the milk out effectively. BONUS: having baby's mouth/saliva directly on your breast/nipple promotes a beneficial microbiota for both you and baby!
You May Have Already Tried:
taking shield off half-way through feeding
3 different shield brands
meeting with a lactation consultant
SO many positions!
Yet baby still is not on board...and you're feeling defeated after hours of Googling.

That's why I created
Ditch The Nipple Shield
Because there IS still hope, you're not alone on
this journey, and I can help.

This is just for you!
An online mini-course presented by Kelly Wysocki-Emery, MSN, RN, IBCLC
Kelly has worked with babies for nearly 30 years and
has honed a knack for getting babies off the shield because she understands what the baby is looking for. Babies can't talk, but they are giving us clues to what they are feeling and thinking all of the time - learn what they need so you can find your shared feeding rhythm.

What's included?
Four Modules To Freedom
Reasons Why Babies Can't Latch
Identify YOUR baby's barriers so you can take an approach that aligns with them. Once you know what might be getting in their way, you can get creative to find ways to help them out. Gain a better understanding of what baby is searching for in a feeding. Learn baby's instincts and reflexes that help them search for and latch to the breast effectively. New ideas and concepts to address this nipple shield dependence head on.
Seeing It In Action
You'll be able to SEE other moms using these techniques to latch baby successfully without shield. Seeing it in action is SO much more effective than just reading about it as you'll be able to reproduce it easier, without overthinking it too much. You'll learn all babies are the same but still different, and you'll see how moms adjust and adapt to what their baby specifically needs to latch. You'll see how other babies work it out, and get ideas of how other mothers do it.
Assessing The Competition
Learn how your nipple differs from the shield and tips for leveling the playing field. Get creative ideas on how to make your breast/nipple work more like their "buddy", the shield. Learn ways to shape and prep your nipple so baby learns to accept it easily. You'll be presented with different positions and holds to try for latching, as well as various considerations in terms of flow to baby. Get lots of tips in your toolbox to latch without the shield.
Putting It All Together
You'll come away with how to know if baby is getting a full feeding without shield. You'll see a new way of feeding baby, without the shield, without the extra pumping and bottlefeeding. You'll learn how to assess for satiety in baby, and how to manage your milk supply from here on out.

Imagine Your Ideal Nursing Session:

Feeding baby on the go, in public without fussing with nipple shield

Nursing baby without pain, without shield

Have baby get MORE milk FASTER without barrier of the silicone

Carefree feedings, without anything between you
Not having to triple feed - just lift shirt and feed baby - boom...drunken sailor!
Less dishes, more time cuddling and playing with baby
How much is this type of freedom and peace of mind while feeding your baby worth? Some might say:
You'll be relieved to know it's only $47
on-demand online modules
live virtual IBCLC group coaching
access for every baby you raise
30 day money-back guarantee
Ditch The Nipple Shield

An online course you can watch over and over (forever access) until you and baby figure out how to latch without the shield.
“I was given a shield right after delivery, not really knowing why, but it worked so I continued to use it. At baby's checkup, though, we learned he hadn't gained much weight, which in hindsight explains the hour-long feedings and him still acting hungry afterward. It was soul-crushing to see his weight after how many hours we had been nursing. After one visit with Kelly we were nursing without the shield, without pain, he was gulping and done in 15 min where it normally had been taking an HOUR! My husband and I were floored. Her scale proved he got a huge meal of 3 oz and he was milk-drunk for the first time. I was so relieved. After a week he gained an ounce/day which is exactly what pediatrician hoped for - we couldn't be happier we got help and wish we would have come sooner."
"My OB told me my nipples were flat and I might need lactation help after baby came, which was helpful to know, but no one really knew how to help, so I used a shield I got as a baby gift just so she would latch. Unfortunately, it still hurt and our feedings were REALLY frustrating and long. She would knock it off because she was so mad, then it would fall on the floor (at 2 am) and I couldn't find it...it was a hot mess. My aunt told me about baby beloved and I met with Kelly who showed me how to shape myself (I had been doing it the wrong way) so she could have something to grasp onto. And she DID! I was shocked and incredibly relieved - we never used the nipple shield again. We BOTH were glad to say "good riddance" to that thing."
“We used the nipple shield for the first few weeks because my nipples were shredded. I was in tears if I didn't use it, so I kind of got used to popping it on and was actually grateful to have it as a tool. When I met with Kelly and she asked me if I'd wish to try without it during our time together I was skeptical and not sure I DID want to not use it....but I decided to give it a shot with her helping me and lo and behold my baby latched, it didn't hurt, and I stood amazed. The tips she gave me made perfect sense and I was easily able to reproduce them at home alone. I didn't realize how self-conscious I was using the shield (if I was out and about) and how much work I was putting into cleaning and keeping track of it--our session together was a game changer!”
How long do I have access to course & online group coaching?​ Forever.
What's the refund policy? Babies are tricky and aren't always on board with our best laid plans, so if after a good college try (and hopefully some virtual coaching) it STILL is not working, email Kelly@babybelovedinc.com for a full refund within 30 days of purchase.
How does the online IBCLC group coaching work? You can sign up for as many sessions as needed (topic limited to weaning from nipple shield) to get the support you need. You don't have to feed during the session unless you feel comfortable doing so. Only participants of the online course allowed in and you must at least start with your video on. Confidentiality expected for the protection of all participants on the call.
What if I need more help? Either I or other baby beloved lactation consultants are available for private sessions (either in person in Michigan or virtually via telehealth); we accept most insurances and our services are HSA/FSA eligible.

Are you ready to get the
help you deserve?
Being able to lift your shirt, see a little mouth search for you, quickly latch baby on then instantly settle in and calmly nurse without pain....with lots of swallows and those sweet little noises they make as their body melts into yours as they fill their bellies.
Stop fiddling with the shield. Eliminate the washing routine. Feed comfortably in public. Stop the triple feeding (top-offs and pumping).
I hope you give this course (and our coaching program) a try. The quality and enjoyment of your feeding relationship with baby is worth it. Let's see how we can work together to figure this out!